Wednesday, April 9, 2008


C-SPAN is carrying the interview of General David Portrayer, (no I did not misspell his name, he is a "portrayer, bullshit) and the bumbleing, stumbleing Ambassador "Chowderhead" Ryan Crocker. NOthing has changed, more flag waving, more ducking of the issues, more lies about "progress" and lots of reserve. Stuff like: sure we have to do better but compared to,....????? what, Gengis Kahn?
The Republicans on the committee speak soft questions and many compliments for "their service". THEIR SERVICE? This is their job, they get PAID FOR DOING WHAT THEY DO which is,... ..nothing or very little. (WELL, nothing shows does it?)

Ambassador ""Chowderhead" is probably the worst and most boring speaker that I have ever listened to. It is no wonder to me that the Iraqi leadership can manipulate him and consequently US with a jerk like crocker as our lead man in the area. The scare tactics prevail as I listen. Stuff like,'s better to fight our enemy "over there" than over here. Do you buy that? I don't! Terrorism is a product of George W. and his neo-con thugs. THEY want to tell other soveriegn nations how THEY should live and behave and all the while we try to conive a way to steal THEIR RESOURCES,.....OIL. AM I TOO CYNICAL? Maybe, maybe not.

I really can't go on with this. There is so much more. There is so much treachery, so many hidden agendas and so much PROFIT being made by some. Hopefully some one with more spring left in their step than I will pick up my fallen banner and run with it. We need you.


1 comment:

Kermit The Blog said...

I do enjoy the way you write. RE: The "war"! It is NOT a war it is an occupation AFTER an illegal invasion of a third world country. Would we have invaded if there were NO OIL. I think NOT! We, the U.S. is "stealing" 40% of their oil today and they are keeping the other 60%. Why? It is THEIR OIL. They are a culture many times older than ours, why do we think we can tell them what to do.
The neo-con's want to remake the Middle East. And yes, Israel plays a huge part in this injustice. We, the little people, will not straighten it out maybe it will take Armegedon to make us all realize that we did it not-well.